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Privacy Policy

This privacy policy ("Policy") explains how information you provide to us is collected, used and processed by RED ("we" or "us") with respect to your access and use of giveaway application located at socialman.net (the "Service", "Site" or "Socialman").

The security of the User’s data collected on our Site is of extreme importance to us. The following rules describe and explain how this web site (hereinafter referred to as “Socialman”) collects, stores and processes your personal data.

The administrator or your personal data is: RED, with its registered office at ul. Pomorska 55/27, 50-217 Wroclaw, Poland, Vat ID PL8971636213, REGON: 932847692.


What data is collected by Socialman?

If you take part in a giveaway set up on Socialman, the scope of the collected data shall depend on the manner of your registration for a given giveaway. Socialman shall always require your e-mail address because it is necessary to collect your data in the giveaway and to contact you. If the fulfilment of the task within the giveaway requires that you log in using Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, Twitch, Pinterest, Discord or other social media account, Socialman stores your first name, surname as well as name and user ID in that social media channel. Sometimes, Socialman requires that an e-mail address is given once again although you have logged in using social media account. It is necessary because not all sites makes your e-mail address available to Socialman. We also save your IP address.

If you register the account on Socialman, Socialman requires that you fill in the registration form where you give your first name, surname and e-mail address. Such data may be also transferred to Socialman by Facebook or Twitter if you choose an option of logging in using Facebook or Twitter account. If you plan to set up Giveaways, you are obliged to additionally provide the following information: address, zip code, place and country of residence or registered office. If the account that you register is to be the account held by a corporate entity, you should give its business name and Tax ID in the country of its registered office. This data should be given in the section of “My profile” in the dashboard. If you make payments, you are directed to PayPal payment gateway. This is the site where you make payments for the services provided by Socialman and give the data of your credit card. In case you paid for the services we only save your payment id. Your credit card data is not sent to Socialman and Socialman does not store it in any way. Socialman will never directly ask you to give the number of your credit card.

If you sign up for newsletter, we only require that you give your e-mail address.

If you send us a message via contact form, we require your e-mail address and name.

Remember that you should provide Socialman with your true data regardless of the manner of using Socialman.


How is your data processed by Socialman?

Your data is processed only and exclusively to ensure the operation of the site and enable the users to set up and hold giveaways. We do not transfer or sell the data concerning its users to any third parties.

If you take part in a giveaway, your personal data is made available to the entity setting up a given giveaway. Such an entity is obliged to publish its terms and conditions on the page of a given giveaway. We recommend that you always read the terms and regulations of each giveaway and its privacy policy. Remember that we do not have any influence on the manner of processing your data by the entity setting up a given giveaway. We shall not be liable for the use of your personal data by the entity setting up the giveaway which is illegal or violates your interests. Your data will never be made available by us to other users than the entity directly setting up the giveaway. Your data may be also processed by us to control the correct operation of the application and to contact you in any technical or administrative matters. Your e-mail address is also used to send a welcome messags, which is sent only once per each giveaway you participate. We do not use the data of giveaway participants for its own marketing purposes, such as e.g. sending e-mails, and does not make it available to any third parties.

If you keep the account, your personal data is necessary for Socialman to operate your account, contact you, and - in the case of paid subscription - to make settlements and issue invoices. Your e-mail address and other data may be used - from time to time - by us to contact you for marketing or promotional purposes. Your e-mail address is also used to send important system messages, automatic notifications and newsletters. You can disable the option of receiving automatic notifications and newsletters at any time in the account settings in the dashboard. You do not have the option of disabling the receipt of important system messages.

If you use the newsletter, we need your e-mail to send you e-mail with news, e.g. notifications of adding new features to Socialman.

If you send us a message via contact form, we need your data to send you an e-mail with response to your question.


How can I change the data?

If you take part in a giveaway, it is not possible to change your data that you have given as a giveaway participant. We can only delete it but it results only in the removal of your data in all giveaways set up with the use of Socialman. To read about the removal procedure, go to the relevant section below.

If you keep the account, you can always change or update it in the dashboard. Only the change of the e-mail address is not possible as it is the account login at the same time.

If you use the newsletter, you cannot change the address given at the beginning but you may delete it and add another one.

If you send us a message via contact form, it is a one-time action and you cannot change your data. To read about the removal procedure, go to the relevant section below.


How can I delete the data?

Your data can be deleted at any time. The manner of its removal depends on how you use Socialman.

If you took part in a giveaway, your data will be needed by the entity setting up the giveaway to contact you. Yet, if you still intend to delete the data in the giveaway, you can send us an e-mail to the following e-mail address: privacy@socialman.net. You have to send the message from the e-mail address that you used to enter the giveaway and whose data you intend to delete. After receiving an e-mail, we delete all data connected with this e-mail address from all giveaways held on Socialman. It will be done within 14 days at the latest. Anonymous analytics connected with such data shall not be deleted. You should remember that if you have published any information on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, Twitch, Pinterest, Discord or in other social media channels within the giveaways, you have to delete such data on your own.

If you keep the account, it may be removed through sending a relevant notification in the dashboard. The removal of the Account means that your personal data is deleted and you cannot use the Account any more. The removal of the account does not mean that your giveaways are deleted and therefore you have to delete them - if you wish so - before you delete the account. The information which has not been deleted as well as data and analytics concerning your giveaways shall remain on the Site. Yet, they become anonymous ones after the removal of the account.

If you use the newsletter, then you can find a link that you can use to unsubscribe from the newsletter at the bottom of each sent message. If you wish to unsubscribe your e-mail address, just click the link. Your address shall be automatically deleted.'

If you send us a message via contact form, send us an e-mail to the following e-mail address: privacy@socialman.net and we will remove the history of the correspondence.


Anonymous analytics

Similarly to many other web sites, Socialman also collects anonymous data concerning visits, operating system, time spent on the web site and visited URL addresses. This data is collected with the use of Google Analytics.

In addition, the site collects and processes also anonymous analytics concerning the giveaway participants. They include such information as IP adress, operating system, browser, device type, participant’s country, URL address of the page on which the giveaway has been published, URL address from which the User has come to the page with the giveaway. Anonymous analytics concerning giveaways can be viewed by the entity setting up the giveaway and they do not include any personal data. It is not possible that they are linked to any specific giveaway participant.



The Site uses cookies. If you do not change the browser settings on your web page, it shall mean your consent to their use. Cookies are not used to process or store personal data. The detailed information concerning cookies and their use can be found in the Terms and Conditions.


Security of stored data

Socialman undertakes any and all necessary technical and organisational means to guarantee the security of stored data and protect it against unauthorised access.


EU citizens

Socialman has its registered office within the European Union, in Poland. Your personal data is kept within the territory of the European Union.



When using Socialman, you should remember about observing the basic rules of security in the Internet. You should always remember about logging out the site and you should never give you password to anybody.


Amendments to the Privacy Policy

Although Socialman makes every effort to minimise the number of amendments to this Privacy Policy, such amendments may be made. Socialman site encourages you to visit the web page and read the most recent version of this document.


Final provisions

This Privacy Policy constitutes the supplement to the regulations described in the Terms and Conditions. You should always remember to read the most recent version of the terms and conditions which are the grounds for the provision of services by Socialman.


This Privacy Policy shall become effective on May 24th 2018, and replaces prior version that became effective on April 30th, 2016.

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